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Post by bowser »



首先,我想向你们保证,“turtlewow(乌龟服)”无论是亚服还是欧服会一直在这里。正如你们在更新日志中所看到的,我们已经为2025年制定了宏大的计划,而且已经在讨论2026年的一些未来计划。在不到一个月的时间里,你们将获得更多关于“turtlewow 2.0”的信息。



这是一段漫长的旅程,我们期待能继续携手同行。你们宝贵的建议和“turtlewow 2.0”将帮助我们再创新的辉煌。

感谢你们的陪伴,感谢你们对我们的信任 😊
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Re: 来自欧盟团队的问候

Post by bowser »

Dear Asian Server Players,

I am addressing all of you to clarify some of the current rumors.

First of all, I want to assure you that Turtle WoW is here to stay, whether it's the Asian or EU server. As you have seen in our changelog, we have big plans for 2025 and are already discussing some future plans for 2026. In less than a month, you will receive more information about Turtle WoW 2.0.

We, the EU team, care about you. We regularly meet with the Asian server team members to discuss all reported issues and prioritize them. This sometimes takes hours, but we don't mind using our free time to handle important matters. We have also heard your feedback about recent in-game events and keep those it in mind.

We do our best to provide reliable services and keep you updated on our progress. This is not easy with such a large, international team of more than 100 members divided into nine departments: management, support, server-side development, client-side development, art and design, 3D modeling, music/voiceovers/radio, marketing and quality assurance.

It has been a long journey together and we look forward to continuing our journey with you. Your valuable suggestions and Turtle WoW 2.0 will help us reach new heights.

Thank you for being with us and thank you for your trust in us 😊
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